Location: United States

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thanksgiving In Canada

So I did the family Thanksgiving thing out of the USA. It was nice, especially getting to spend some time with the daughters and brother (and his son) I don't get to see often enough. Being in a whole new setting and opting out of the whole turkey cooking scenario, I thought I had it made. Wrong. No matter where you are, if it's a family gathering with people traveling to get there, certain things will happen:
1) Someone will be delayed arriving and/or lose luggage;
2) Something will go wrong with a car, in the kitchen, and/or with the plumbing;
3) Someone will not have a comfortable bed (nice people will not complain);
4) Someone will be angry and refuse to speak to somebody else; and
5) Someone will get sick-- either during the gathering or on the way home.

Now, these are not the ONLY things that can happen, just the things that always do happen.


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