Location: United States

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Question of the day

This morning I sent a real letter to the editor of the paper. Usually I write a virtual letter in my head, then go on with my day. This time, I just couldn't stop my angry fingers as they flew over the keyboard and hit "send" before I had time to reconsider. (It will probably not get published. If it is published, it will only serve to cement the opinion held by my local relatives that I am some kind of crazed left-winger. At least I got a few seconds of satisfaction before moving on to the funnies.)

The trigger for my outrage was the letter from a guy who was railing against a woman who had written about the fact that so much anti-abortion, and anti-morning-after-pill rhetoric comes from men (which is true) and that they really should shut up and sit down. (She said it in a much nicer way, but that was the basic point.) This guy (who was masterfully proving her point) wrote that no one had the right to destroy a soul that had already met god (and his god was written with a capital "G," so watch out!)-- further stating that if only "everyone believed in the Bible," all would be well. When I started talking out loud to the newspaper, I knew I was going over the edge. Guess what? Everybody doesn't believe in the Bible. They believe in another book... or a whole bunch of books... or nothing! Whose business is it anyway?? The arrogance of these religious concrete thinkers just makes me want to believe in the death penalty, if you know what I mean.

So here's my question of the day:
If you had the choice and had to make the choice, which would you choose?
A) to allow a woman to take the morning-after pill to prevent a pregnancy
B) the death of another 19-year-old soldier fighting another war

I mean, we can continue to use war as our major means of population control. Talk amongst yourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But what about the office dogs?
More about the dogs!

8:54 PM  

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